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Music courses


OBJECTIVE: the aim of the course is to provide students with a language and music experience in one of the most prestigious music schools in Milan where they can take part in piano, violin, flute, viola and oboe lessons, together with singing and solfeggio classes. Students wishing to try the entry test to enroll to the Conservatory of Music in Milan – Italy’s most famous music school – will receive a solid preparation during this course.

DESCRIPTION: the minimum duration of the course is 2 weeks. Music lessons must always be taken in conjunction with Italian language lessons. The course can be extended to a maximum of 36 weeks. Music lessons are one-to-one lessons.

RECOMMENDED FOR: musicians, singers or music lovers who wish to improve their Italian while attending professional music lessons in a dynamic and young environment.



COURSE TYPE Duration Participants Price
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Instrument courses 5 lessons Min. 1 € 435
Instrument courses with coaching 5 lessons Min. 1 € 715
Canto and Diction for Singers 5 lessons Min. 1 € 435
Canto and Diction for Singers course with coaching 7 lessons Min. 1 € 715
Language of libretti 60 lessons Min. 1 – Max. 14 € 1.640
Short Description
  • Tuition: 3 levels of ability – Beginner = up to two years of study; – Intermediate = from two to five years of study; – Expert = over five years of study.
  • All courses can be extended.
  • A €70 enrollment fee valid for 12 months must be paid for any enrollment.
Center These music courses are offered in collaboration with the Music School “Ottavanota”.